Public Parking
Public parking is available at 1901 Surf Avenue. Several other lots are available on Surf Avenue within easy walking distance to the venue. Spaces are based on availability.
Should a guest require to be dropped off, please use West 22nd Street. Our Community Gate, on West 22nd Street south of Surf Avenue is a good place for dropping off and picking up our ADA, Taxi and/or Limo driven guests.
Individuals with disabilities, who possess a New York City Special Parking Permit, have the option to park on streets or on 21st Street (Spot Hero). Pay careful attention to the rules and regulations on the back of your permit, which informs where you may and may not park on New York City streets.
Please note that New York City does not honor the blue New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut or any other out of state issued parking hangtag for the disabled or license plate for on-street parking. The Department of Transportation may ticket and/or tow vehicles that do not display the New York City Department of Transportation issued parking permit.